The Challenge
Develop a tourism strategy that allows Copenhagen to adapt to modern visitor behaviour and tourism’s impact on local quality of life.
The Insight
In Copenhagen, tourism works best when visitors add value to local life by becoming temporary residents.
Wonderful Copenhagen responded to rapid changes in the tourism industry by creating a 4-year strategy called The End of Tourism as We Know It. In doing so, the destination marketing organization (DMO) has embraced the modern role of its organization: tourism management, rather than purely promotion and advertising. This new mandate requires fresh thinking.
“Localhood for everyone” is the key strategic concept. Under the vision of localhood, residents and travellers co-create the tourism destination and shape its development to make Copenhagen a better place to live for all. Localhood emphasizes human relationships instead of mass marketing – sustainable growth instead of growth at all costs.
To shape and validate this strategy, our team at Destination Think brought a keen understanding of the ongoing evolution of the global tourism industry. We measured The End of Tourism as We Know It against trends that shape the DMO’s responsibilities, as well as challenges and other requirements that the DMO will need to address. Our strategists brought insights into modern marketing, visitor behaviour and technology, as well as in-depth experience with the complex stakeholder environment of city marketing. The End of Tourism strategy outlines five coordinates to keep Copenhagen on track.

- Shareability is king: To enable travellers, partners, and influencers to create shareable moments.
- Once attracted, twice valued: A strategy to encourage repeat visitation.
- Tomorrow’s business today: Attracting new visitors from growing markets.
- Co-innovation at heart: Opportunities for the industry to work together for the benefit of all.
People-based growth: Making tourism a win-win scenario for residents and visitors. “Visitor growth in itself is not a goal. Increasing the value of visitors for all parties is.”