Destination Greater Victoria isn’t like its other British Columbia neighbors. It’s not as extreme: it’s slower paced and it tends to only attract an older demographic – a fact that negatively impacted sentiment scores across the board.
We live in a world that seems to wait for no one, but Greater Victoria is a place with a different pace, and spring is its finest example. It arrives there first while its neighbors have to wait, and it stays with them longer, enticing all who visit to do the same.
In a crazy-busy world, a relaxed pace is a superpower. Let’s use this to entice visitors to take a moment, step away from the grind, and make the world wait for them for a change.
Through our research process, we uncovered a simple fact — regardless of the channel, if a message is authentic, engaging and relevant, our target personas will respond positively.
So we decided to create one of the most highly targeted and contextual integrated campaigns we had ever developed, and that’s saying something.
We started by working with our media agency to only book placements where we could predict a mundane everyday stress that our extended audience would be enduring at that exact moment.
From there we simply presented Greater Victoria’s unique pace as the irresistible antithesis of what they were experiencing.
Our OOH placements showed up in various places — in gyms (challenging routines), in airports (confronting jet lag) and even in real time. Our messaging evolved to take on weather downpours, traffic jams or simply the doldrums of Monday.

For film, we used various data sources to approximate the most common search terms used by our target. We then worked with YouTube to create a plethora of custom intros so all our films reacted to exactly what users searched for. The news? It can wait. Tragic love ballad? It can definitely wait.

Our ads were everywhere. We popped up at work — pointing out the inbox, at night during the cooking, on the weekend during chores, and during rush hour we were there on the radio.
We booked press ads in the sports section and consoled people on their teams heartbreak, cooking section — calorie counting and even next to Wonder Woman 1984 to address DC’s ever-changing plot lines.

You name it, and we were there and relevant. We even programmed our landing page to react to where potential visitors were located and helped hotels encourage visitors to stay extra nights with their turndown services.

We may have said it more than a thousand different ways, but we made one thing clear: In Greater Victoria, the world can wait.