A global snapshot of insights from the Tourism Sentiment Index after analyzing 100 destinations and 625,000,000 conversations

How do you lead the tourism industry? Follow the conversation.

We have analyzed 100 destinations and more than 625 million online tourism conversations with Tourism Sentiment Index (TSI), and it has led us to some amazing data-driven discoveries, including:

  • Top-performing destinations for both volume and ratio of positive sentiment,
  • Breakdown of sentiment drivers for top destinations (e.g. sights, events, food),
  • Those tourism assets that generate the most positive (and negative) word of mouth
  • An in-depth sentiment snapshot of British Columbia, home of TSI’s pilot run

We have also dived deep into the methodology behind the report and how you can leverage word of mouth for destination management.

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TSI demystifies what consumers think, it’s the perfect window into travellers’ minds.
The data validates our strategic direction and clarifies true opportunities for our destination rather than petitions to change from pressure groups. You can’t argue with data that consolidates what a large volume of travellers feel.




These are some of the industry-leading DMOs who have participated in TSI, and the list keeps growing:

Adelaide Hills Tourism
Albury City Council
Armidale Regional Council
Aspen Chamber Resort Association
Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau
Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development
Banff Lake Louise Tourism

Basalt Chamber of Commerce
Bay of Plenty Tourism
Bermuda Tourism
Big Sky Chamber of Commerce
Breckenridge Tourism Office

Brisbane Marketing
Bundaberg North Burnett (Bundabery Region)
Destination Campbell River
Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association
Cayuga County CVB
Central Economic Development Agency/ Manawatu

Charlotte Coastal Region Tourism Association
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority
City of Aiken, Parks, Recreation & Tourism
City of Adelaide

City of Fremantle
City of Mississauga
City of Moncton
City of Mount Gambier
City of Newcastle
City of Onkaparinga
Coffs Harbour City Council

Colorado Tourism Office
Cook Islands Tourism Corporation

Cradle Coast Authority
Destination Cape Breton Association
Destination Cleveland
Destination Falkenberg

Destination Fyn
Destination Gippsland
Destination Madison
Destination New South Wales – Sydney
Destination Osoyoos
Destination Rotorua

Destination West Yellowstone
Discover Kalispell

Discover Saint John, New Brunswick
Dublin Convention and Visitor Bureau
Economic Development Regina Inc.
Elkhart County Convention & Visitor Bureau
Enterprise Dunedin
Experience Columbia SC
Experience Grand Rapids
Explore Asheville
Fáilte Ireland
Fife Council
Flagler County Board of the County Commissioners
Frankenmuth Convention & Visitors Bureau
Fredericton Tourism
Georgia Department of Economic Development
Gold Coast Tourism Corporation

Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism
Greater Green Bay CVB
Gulf Shores & Orange Beach Tourism
Halifax Tourism
Hamilton County Tourism
Hawke’s Bay Tourism
Indigo Shire Council
Lake Placid Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism
Lake Wanaka Tourism
Laredo Convention & Visitors Bureau
Logan City Council

Mackay Tourism Ltd
Midcoast Council | Destination Barrington Coast
Murray Regional Tourism
Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
Newcastle Gateshead Initiative

Office du Tourisme de Québec
Orange City Council
Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism
Pembrokeshire Tourism
Redland City Council | Redland Coast

RTO13 – Hariburton
RTO13 – Ottawa Valley
San Francisco Travel
San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau
Shoalhaven City Council
Shuswap Tourism
Société Économique de l’Ontario
South Africa Tourism
South Burnett Regional Council

Southern Queensland Country Tourism
St. John’s, Newfoundland
Sunshine Coast Tourism
Tahiti Tourisme
Tenterfield Shire Council
The Outer Banks Visitors Bureau
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region
Tourism Abbotsford
Tourism and Events Queensland

Tourism Calgary
Tourism Chilliwack
Tourism Edmonton
Tourism Fernie
Tourism Greater Geelong & The Bellarine

Tourism Harrison
Tourism Jasper
Tourism Kamloops
Tourism Kelowna
Tourism Kuranda
Tourism Medicine Hat
Tourism Nanaimo

Tourism New Brunswick
Tourism Ottawa
Tourism Prince Rupert
Tourism Richmond
Tourism Saskatchewan
Tourism Saskatoon
Tourism Smithers 

Tourism Sun Peaks
Tourism Tofino
Tourism Toronto
Tourism Tropical North Queensland – Cairns

Tourism Tropical North Queensland – Port Douglas
Tourism Ucluelet
Tourism Vancouver
Tourism Vancouver Island

Tourism Vernon
Tourism Victoria
Tourism Western Australia
Tourism Whistler
Tourism Whitsundays

Tourism Winnipeg
Tourisme Edmundston & Région
Tourisme Montreal
Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
Townsville Enterprise
Travel Alberta
Travel Manitoba
Travel Yukon
Tropical Coast Tourism
Visit Aberdeenshire
Visit Antwerpen
Visit Brabant
Visit Canberra
Visit Colorado Springs
Visit Corvallis
Visit Dallas
Visit Fairfield
Visit Florida
Visit Fort Collins
Visit Greenland
Visit Hendricks County

Visit Huntington Beach
Visit Jersey (UK)
Visit Lexington

Visit Longmont
Visit Oceanside
Visit Oklahoma City
Visit Pagosa Springs
Visit Pasco

Visit Pensacola
Visit Richmond
Visit Sacramento
Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater
Visit Stockton
Visit West Hollywood
Wesgro – Cape Town
Wesgro – Hermanus
Wesgro – Knysna
Wesgro – Paternoster
Wesgro – Stellenbosch
Wesgro – Western Cape

Wonderful Copenhagen
Wyndham City Council

This was the piece of the puzzle we needed to validate our DMO’s shift in focus.



It feels as if you have reached a ‘holy grail’ in tourism measurement of actions.