Six destination marketing organizations – Destination British Columbia, Illinois Office of Tourism, Innovation Norway, Tourism and Events Queensland, VisitEngland and Visit Flanders – have joined forces with a clear goal: to create a framework to measure the financial value of a DMO’s social media activities.

A global measurement standard
The result of this collaboration is the Potential on Investment 1.0 (POI) model. This model provides a starting point for understanding the financial value that social media can provide for a DMO. The formula is easy to use and apply, and it does not require additional research.
As with any other measurement formula, the POI methodology is not perfect and contains aspects that can and will be debated. It is, however, the result of the joint efforts and a collaboration among six world-class destinations with the goal of setting a benchmark and a global standard. This report and model are not the end of the road, but the start of the journey.
We invite you to download the whitepaper, test the model, share it and join the conversation.
Rodney Payne
CEO & Founder Destination Think!
Get the POI whitepaper and calculator now!
To download the whitepaper, please sign up to get access to the download page for the Potential on Investment 1.0 (POI) whitepaper and calculator so you can instantly figure your organization’s POI. You will also be signed up to receive updates as the POI model continues to develop.