Travel Beyond

Electrifying change: Queenstown as a testbed for rapid decarbonization

“The electrification of tourism is not only great for decarbonization, but it still can stimulate a whole lot of more money flowing back to the communities.” — Rod Drury  At a time when governments and local bodies often struggle to fund essential and sustainable...

How The Travel Corporation accelerates real decarbonization through insetting

“Your suite of tactics that you are going to apply to the carbon crisis is going to be unique to your business.” — Shannon Guihan How can your travel business make a substantial impact through climate action? The Travel Corporation’s innovative Carbon Fund offers a...

Travel leaders behind 100 Travel Innovations aim to inspire an industry

“Hopefully these solutions are not just a hundred solutions, but a hundred tiny blueprints or at least a hundred tiny starting points for somebody to make a difference in their area.” — Sara Raymond de Booy  Are you wondering how travel can truly make the world a...

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