Visitor experience


“It's taken me years to understand the depth of care and attention that the First Nations have brought to this landscape that we live in.” — Maureen Fraser  In the heart of Načiks (Tofino), a small bakery is much more than a place for bread and pastries, it’s a...

Mentoring the next generation of Indigenous tourism leaders

“Because Tofino is so popular, it definitely has the opportunity to educate visitors, and I think if you can just even change one person's mind or narrative about who we are, you're winning. It's successful.” — Maria Clark Hospitality can do more than welcome...

Storytelling, tourism, and reconciliation

“You asked about my mission, it's education through tourism and truth telling and getting to that place where sustainability means something to everybody, not just us.” — Sunrise When the Salmon Come (Cheryl Chapman) How can storytelling and tourism help encourage...

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