Visitor experience

Funding sustainability from the skies: The Legacy Fund behind Bella Coola Heli Sports

“One of the coolest things about [...] becoming climate positive is how many businesses have followed our example.” — Beat Steiner  Most heli-skiers chase the perfect line, but what if they left behind something even greater? At Bella Coola Heli Sports, guests...

Integrating Indigenous voices into heritage tourism: Lessons from Barkerville

“It is our responsibility in Barkerville not only to celebrate the things that have happened in the past but to address the mistakes of what has come before us, so that we can build a better future.” — Stewart Cawood Indigenous culture is seeing a resurgence and...

How the next generation is keeping an ecotourism legacy alive in the Chilcotin

“I've always been extremely conservation-minded because of Dad.” — Shannon Lansdowne How can a tourism business stay resilient for the long term? At Bella Coola Grizzly Tours, it's through perseverance and adaptability. What began as a grizzly hunting operation took a...

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