Destination marketing strategy

A toast to tourism resiliency: How Parksville Qualicum Beach DMO cares for community through crisis

"Being a tight-knit, small community […] Not only are these people stakeholders and colleagues, but they're friends. In a small community like this, [businesses closing] really hits home." – Blain Sepos, Executive Director at Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism...

Who’s guiding travel and tourism to a more responsible, decarbonized future? A growing list

These organizations are taking action toward decarbonization and responsible tourism amid climate disruption and COVID-19. In the twenties, “hope is a moral imperative,” says author Kim Stanley Robinson. His 2020 science fiction novel, The Ministry for the Future, is...

Why decarbonization will disrupt the future of travel

Decarbonization will be at least as disruptive to travel as the internet was.  The world is finally turning toward the climate crisis with coalitions, technologies, policies and economic incentives that are needed to coordinate the effort to decarbonize. Leaders in...

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