Destination marketing strategy

Reimagining tourism: Will COVID-19 help DMOs conquer fear of change?

Fear is a primary barrier to making the changes that the travel industry – and your DMO – most desperately need during this double crisis. This is the first of two articles by Frank Cuypers about reimagining tourism and gathering the courage to change following...

Will your destination’s legacy travel markets evaporate?

COVID-19-related regulations are probably causing your destination's travel markets to change. But are your newest visitors the right match for the long-term? Our Chief Strategist shares his thoughts on how your DMO can mitigate the crisis by balancing short-term...

What South Australia’s bushfire response of 2020 can teach DMOs facing a crisis

South Australia entered 2020 in crisis mode. Bushfires brought severe devastation across the state and many other parts of Australia, threatening lives, homes and livelihoods. Kangaroo Island – a popular destination within South Australia known for nature reserves and...

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