visit flanders

Is your messaging obsolete? This is the art of niche content marketing

Now, more than ever, there is a destination and a vacation to suit every kind of traveller. Your dream holiday is likely to be different than that of the person next to you. You’re unique, after all. This idea continues to drive the diversification of travel...

Why you need a crisis communication plan (before it’s too late)

Destinations aim to shape public perception through branding, promotion, and hopefully tourism advocacy. But it’s a wild world out there. Your destination marketing organization (DMO) is only one player in an extremely complex communication network. Even if you design...

How do your residents feel about tourism? Visit Flanders studies local perceptions of carrying capacity

Visit Flanders is taking resident opinions about tourism seriously. The Belgian destination management organization (DMO) has released a report written by Vincent Nijs that describes resident perspectives about carrying capacity and the perceived value of tourism in...

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