anna pollock

5 DMO responses to the mass tourism crisis (and a running list)

If you missed it in March, we published our view on the serious risks of pursuing economic growth as the primary goal of tourism. In short, pursuing greater revenue through higher volumes of visitors is a potential path to being overwhelmed. We are not alone in...

The Love of Tourism: Bay of Plenty plans a future of flourishing

“Sustainability doesn’t go far enough,” says Kristin Dunne, CEO at Tourism Bay of Plenty (TBOP), echoing The Love of Tourism, her new destination plan. She stands at the forefront of destination marketing leaders calling for the tourism industry to expand its goals...

Top 10 countdown: 2016’s ultimate destination marketing reading list

2016 has been a year of collaboration like no other. Destinations around the world, including many of our readers and contributors, have worked to recognize and address many common challenges together. Before the ball drops on the New Year, it’s time to acknowledge...

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