Our Blog

Inuvik’s call to the world: Hear our stories, learn our lessons

The North has a lot to teach us. We listen and learn about what drives this community’s values and its approach to making tourism work for locals.     The residents of Inuvik and the North are living at the front lines of climate change. As the community...

Inuvik, NWT: Indigenous leadership and stewardship in the face of climate change

"There's a lot of things that I believe Inuvik and the Beaufort Delta could teach the world. First and foremost is about respect. We needed to live up here…we've learned to live on one of the harshest areas of this planet by working together.” - Grand Chief Ken...

How travel can meet carbon zero goals by 2030

“We don't want to kill travel and tourism, but we have to reach the goal of net zero.” – Bernadett Papp of the European Tourism Futures Institute    Is there a scenario that will allow for tourism to meet Paris Agreement goals by 2030? How will it change the way...


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