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Putting sustainability into practice in the Netherlands

“One of the biggest challenges we're now facing is how are we going to create tourism policies in a participative way.” – Roos Gerritsma, Lab Lead at Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Amsterdam     This episode concludes our exciting journey through the...

Building tourism’s circular economy in Friesland

“If you only focus on material flows and make that excellent, and don't think about biodiversity or energy or people who are living there, you're creating the next problem.” – Hanneke Schmeink, Circular Friesland Association.   In recent years, circular economies...

Beyond overtourism: How Amsterdam defines visitors of value

“We're not a quality police. We're not saying, you're right, you're wrong. We're an open and tolerant city and that's why we say everybody is welcome to the city if you add something to the livability or the quality of life of residents.” –  Geerte Udo, Director at...


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