“Everybody needs to earn their daily bread, but this is not about the bread, this is about saving the bakery. And...

Apr 3, 2020 | Destination marketing strategy, DMO leadership
“Everybody needs to earn their daily bread, but this is not about the bread, this is about saving the bakery. And...
Apr 3, 2019 | Destination marketing strategy, Strategic planning, Topic: Sustainable tourism
“Sustainability doesn’t go far enough,” says Kristin Dunne, CEO at Tourism Bay of Plenty (TBOP), echoing The Love of...
Mar 7, 2019 | Brand and identity
Discuss “brand” with a room full of your tourism stakeholders, and you might bring up a bundle of baggage bigger than...
Sep 7, 2018
We asked our readers to tell us their destination’s biggest branding challenge. (The poll has since closed.) About 70%...
May 11, 2018
Michael Eisner, ex-CEO of Disney, once said, “A brand is a living entity – and it is enriched or undermined...
Feb 23, 2018
When Michael Crockatt joined Ottawa Tourism as President & CEO in 2016, the city was on the verge of a big moment....
Jan 19, 2018
Can you define your destination’s community identity? Do you know your residents’ greatest hopes and fears about...
Mar 17, 2017
A destination’s perceived success is often tied to visitation. An increase in visitation can help destination leaders...
Feb 2, 2017
Wonderful Copenhagen has just announced the destination strategy that will lead it through 2020 and beyond. Written in...
Jan 13, 2017
Airbnb and the sharing economy have forever changed the way we travel. In just over a decade, the online platform has...
Jan 10, 2017
Building an incredible visitor experience is essential to a destination’s success. Augmented reality (AR) has an...
Sep 8, 2016
Changing a logo is like a divorce. It can be messy, painful and take years to complete. It’s no wonder that some of...
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