Research and analysis

Learning from resident sentiment studies at OSU’s Sustainable Tourism Lab

“The goal, really, of sustainable tourism is to protect the destination for the next hundred, 200 years, so that residents and visitors can enjoy it the same way that we experience it now or maybe even better than we experience it now.” — Todd Montgomery How do locals...

Introducing 2023’s Leading Places: The 100 Most Loved Destinations Around the World

These destinations have the world’s most satisfied visitors. Are your destination’s visitors happy? It’s valuable to know, and to know why. Our colleagues at Tourism Sentiment Index help destination marketers answer that question, and they are excited to share this...

Destination Spotlight: Surrey, BC tracks rising tourism sentiment during campaigns

Surrey, BC is Canada’s 12th most loved destination, according to 2021 tourism sentiment data. The city’s reputation is rising, too. Discover Surrey relies on Tourism Sentiment Index to measure the progress it is making through integrated campaigns and uses it to share...

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